Exchange and return

Exchanges and returns are a guaranteed right for all our customers and include all the products we offer on our store.

All products displayed on our store are subject to our return and exchange policy subject to the terms and conditions stated on this page.

Returns or exchanges are possible if the product is in the same condition as the original condition at the time of purchase and in the original packaging.

Please contact us via our Contact Us page or through our phone numbers to request a return or exchange.

A full refund will be issued if the product received is completely different from the product description on the product page of our website.

Payment methods

Cash on delivery is one of the payment methods available on our store, and cash on delivery means that the shopper can shop through our online store and choose the product he/she wants, then place the order and choose the cash on delivery method, which means that the payment process is postponed until the customer receives the product he/she ordered online.

We will send the product to the agreed upon location (city, neighborhood, home, or other place), and then make the payment.

Shipping and delivery

After confirming the purchase, we ship and send the product via the method you have chosen, by our delivery team.